Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Easter items

I'm working on some Easter stuff for my shop at the moment. I just finished a knit chocolate Easter bunny, its so cute! I'm thinking I might knit some Easter eggs, maybe a stuffed bunny. I've got some time between now and Easter, I want to make sure I get some stuff made and added between now and then. I'm hoping to get some business. It seems I only get business during the Christmas season, and I haven't had a project from the yarn shop in a few months.

Friday, February 18, 2011

It's been a while...

Wow, it has been a while since I've posted on my blog. Of course I only have 3 followers but still, I should keep going like I have hundreds. I'm going to start working more on some stuff for my shop once I'm done on my current project. For the past couple of months I have been working on items for the Vanna's Choice contest. Now I'm ready to start knitting for my shop again, its looking kind of sparse. Of course finding time is going to be kind of tricky. Not only am I a stay at home mom with a house and a kid to take care of, but now I'm a student again. I finally transfered to the university and I'm currently taking 2 classes. I'm sure I can do it all though!